Chilean Juice Buckets Now Available for Pre-Order!
All kits are sold without yeast. Please select yeast from suggested items at the bottom of this page.
From our friends at Black Lung Brewing in Round Lake Illinois we bring you Lakeside Blonde. This is a delicious crushable blonde ale that cant be beat. Its crushable so be warned this 5 gallon kit might not last you very long.
Style : Blond Ale
Hops : Magnum, Huell Melon, Mandarina Bavaria Yeast : Omega Lutra
Hop Additions:
.4 oz Magnum at 60 mins (save the other .6oz for your next brew) .2 oz Huell Melon & .3 oz Mandarina Bavaria at 10 min
.8 oz Huell Melon & .7 oz Mandirina Bavaria at 0 min
Target Original Gravity : 1.047 Target Final Gravity : 1.007 Target IBUs : 22.3
Color : 2.7 SRM
Target ABV : 5.3%